Wikipedia:Wiki ViewStats/API

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URL Parameters

[Quelltext bearbeiten]

base url:

parameter impact possible values short example(s) default version
page page title
  • page title without or
  • with wildcards
  • page=Neuromancer
  • page=User:Jack*
  • page=list*episodes*
-none- 0.92
lang wiki language
  • country code as per ISO 639 or
  • commons
  • m (Mediawiki)
  • meta
  • incubator
  • sources
  • outreach
  • species or
  • * for all wikis
  • lang=en
  • lang=commons
  • lang=*
your browsers default language 0.92
  • or wikipedia
  • b or wikibooks
  • d or wiktionary
  • n or wikinews
  • q or wikiquote
  • s or wikisource
  • v or wikiversity
  • voy or wikivoyage
  • * (all)
  • project=d
  • project=%
  • wiki=wiktionary
  • wiki=*
wikipedia 0.92 / 0.99 (alternative parameter name + values)
latest 1 query period in past days
  • 30
  • 60
  • 90
  • 180
  • latest=30
30 0.92
datefrom 1 query start date
  • 0000-00-00 (today)
  • 2013-xx-00 (xx = dedicated month)
  • 2013-xx-yy (custom: any valid date)
  • datefrom=0000-00-00
  • datefrom=2013-10-00
  • datefrom=2013-06-14
automatically calculated 0.1
dateto 1 query end date
  • 2013-xx-yy (custom: any valid date)
  • dateto=2013-08-23
automatically calculated 0.1
type 2 TOP-lists, HOT today
  • world (all pages)
  • user (users)
  • discussion (talks, discussions)
  • portal (portals)
  • project (project pages)
  • comfile (commons & file)
  • special (special pages)
  • help (help pages)
  • thanks
  • type=user
  • type=world&datefrom=2013-08-00
  • type=thanks
-none- 0.1 / thanks 0.98
locale 3 GUI language
  • en
  • de
  • fr
  • es
  • it
  • nl
  • pl
  • ru
  • sv
  • zh
  • ja
  • locale=es
your browsers default language 0.1
favurl 4 URL of wiki page where your favorites are located
  • valid url of wiki (user) page
  • favurl=
-none- 0.95
section 5 Page section where favorites are located
  • Section header
  • section=My_articles
-none- 0.95
You can either specify latest OR datefrom (dedicated month) OR datefrom + dateto (custom). If you specify all of them - Uhm, you will see what you get.
In combination with datefrom≔0000-00-00 (today) OR datefrom≔2013-xx-00 (dedicated month). If datefrom is omitted datefrom≔0000-00-00 (today) is set automatically
Your preferred language not yet there? Feel free to act! Leave a message.
Only in combination with parameter section. See help for impact of this parameter
Only in combination with parameter favurl

Query string and parameters follow the rules of RFC 1738 and RFC 3986. The first parameter ist attached to base url with "?" sign, further parameters are attached with "&" sign.

base url:

base url + query string result hits of page title "Star Trek" (30 days)ícula)&lang=es hits of "Avatar (film)" in spanisch wikipedia (30 days) hits of "word" in russian wiktionary (30 days) top list of all pages in all chinese (zh) wikis (today)
↓ for subsequent examples baseurl is not shown (you can click the link anyway)
?favurl= hits of user hedonil's articles (30 days)

[Quelltext bearbeiten]

Alternatively it's possible to make an invocation using RESTful URI syntax – also known as "clean" URI-syntax[1]

As of version 0.99 there are 2 alternatives:

type RESTful URI syntax internal wiki link
1. full [[toollabs:wikiviewstats/de/latest30/Theodor_Fontane]]
2. short [[toollabs:wikiviewstats/de.q/Theodor_Fontane]]
  • If a parameter is not specified, default values are set
  • With this syntax only "*" as wildcard is allowed. "%" is forbidden by specification.
  1. RESTful uri design at