Diskussion:Somatosensorischer Cortex

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Letzter Kommentar: vor 11 Jahren von Wimpus in Abschnitt Somatosensible Rinde
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Die Darstellung des Homunculus ist nach neuesten Erkenntnisse falsch, was die Representation der Geschlechtsteile angeht: http://www.jneurosci.org/cgi/content/abstract/25/25/5984

Das Ganglion trigeminale bzw. Gasseri ist KEINE Umschaltstation, sondern beinhaltet ausschließlich die Somata der pseudounipolaren, trigeminalen Nervenzellen! Diese Aussage im Artikel ist FALSCH!!! (nicht signierter Beitrag von (Diskussion) 12:24, 28. Jun. 2011 (CEST)) Beantworten

Somatosensible Rinde

[Quelltext bearbeiten]

When I read this article I see various names for the same structure. The title somatosensorischer Cortex is definitely Denglish as it is heavily influenced by the English expression somatosensory cortex. Before German scientist were inundated by English-language publications, the term somatosensible Rinde and Körperfühlsphäre were used most of the time. Actually there exist an entry Körperfühlsphäre that emphasize that it is often used synonomous with somatosensorischer Cortex, but is sometimes differentiated in certain instances. In the figure however, the term 'sensible' is used, e.g. Primär-sensible Areale, Sensible Assoziationsareale which echoes the proper German usage, at the expense of the Denglish somatosensorischer Cortex. Can someone take notice of these inconsistencies and help to rewrite this article, thereby favoring the German expression instead of the Denglish hybrids. As I am not fluent in German, I can not execute these revisions, but I will applaude this endeavor if someone would like to construct (or trace back) a more consistent nomenclature instead of this mixture. Thank you very much, with kind regards, Wimpus (Diskussion) 13:55, 30. Mai 2013 (CEST)Beantworten