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Die christliche Religion stellt sich den natürlichen Verhältnisse entgegen. In der Natur u. in der menschlichen Gesellschaft herrschen Rücksichtslosigkeit, Konkurrenzkampf, Eigen- u. Gruppeninteressen. Mit christlichen Glaubensforderungen wird der Versuch gemacht, das menschliche Leben etwas humaner u. sozialer zu gestalten.

Man kann über vieles philosophieren, vieles glauben, vieles wünschen – ob es mit der Realität übereinstimmt ist eine andere Frage.

  • eine rational nicht begründbare und widerlegbare Lehre (Ideologie)
  • Religion hat den Vorteil, dass sie nicht wissenschaftlich oder logisch begründet werden muss
  • Religion schafft Autorität (Gottkönig, Gottesgnadentum, Papst)
  • ein Gesetz, Lehrsatz, Dogma wird zum Inhalt der Religion erklärt und damit unangreifbar
  • funktioniert häufig nach dem Prinzip von Belohnung oder Strafe
  • das menschliche Bedürfnis nach Religion scheint genetisch verankert zu sein und beruht auf dem Wunsch nach Autorität, Mystik, Macht, Allmacht
  • Religion versucht, Unerklärliches zu erklären
  • Religion versucht, dem Dasein, Fakten, Ereignissen einen Sinn zu geben
  • dient häufig als Begründung für Fanatismus
  • Religion ist oft Ausdruck des Wunsches nach
    • einem Fixpunkt im Leben
    • einer besseren Welt, dem Paradies, der Erlösung
    • einer ausgleichenden Gerechtigkeit
    • bestimmten Riten
  • religion is a word for the ideas about the basic structure of the world that people cannot see or know with our senses
  • religion is a rationally not justifiable and not rebuttable teaching (ideology)
  • there is the advantage that religion is not based on scientific or logical reasons
  • religion creates authority (God, King, Pope)
  • rules and dogma become the content of the religion
  • religion often works on the principle of reward or punishment.
  • the human need for religion seems to be genetically determined and based on the desire for
    • authority, mysticism, power and omnipotence
  • people should respect other people's religion
  • belief can be personal or belonging to a group. Religion belongs only to a group
  • religion often is the reason of fanatism
  • science seeks to explain "how" and religion seeks to explain "why"
  • religion
    • tries to explain the unexplainable
    • tries to make sense of our existence, facts and events.
    • often is used as grounds for fanaticism
    • offers hope to people
    • is the physical grouping and representation of shared beliefs
    • acts as a compass when faced with determining the moral correctness of an issue
    • gives meaning to our earthly existence
    • gives an importance and value to what humans do
    • can be both: positive and negative, depending on the person
    • should be a matter of choice; forcing people into it is wrong
    • is a form we use to express our belief
  • religion is often an expression of a desire for
    • a fixed point in life
    • a better world, the paradise and salvation
    • a sense of right and wrong, a moral compass
    • certain rituals

Keyword collection: Belief

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  • Belief is cognitive content held as true
  • Belief can be religion, superstition, morals, women's right to choice, eastern philosophy,...
  • we all cling to certain beliefs more strongly than others
  • people have many reasons to believe
  • human beings need something to believe in
  • the origin of our beliefs is in our mind structure
  • beliefs belong to our daily life, for example:
    • I believe people are fundamentally good
    • I personally do not believe in a higher entity
    • I believe people of the world should be more unified and less fractured by religion, nationalism, ethnicity, economy etc.
    • I believe in freedom and democracy
    • I do not believe in a transcendent omnipotent being
    • I believe that we are not alone in the universe
    • I believe that there is happening nothing in your/our lives that has no reason
    • I believe that there is more than we know
    • I believe no human being will ever be able to understand everything
    • I believe that there is an overall God, energy - whatever you call it
    • I believe in love and the power of music
  • belief is a strong factor in science
  • our strong beliefs are culturally and historically determined to a large extent
  • beliefs are based on
    • experience
    • culture
    • reasoning
    • science
    • those with whom you are acquainted.
  • beliefs are often derived from the impositions of more powerful authority figures
  • imposed beliefs can evaporate very quickly
  • world is a less scary and more understandable place when you have firm beliefs
  • having others share your beliefs is part of creating a culture
  • beliefs and feelings may be inseparable
  • What beliefs do we hold strongly that others might not see as true
  • What are the origins of beliefs?
  • Do we have any evidence for our beliefs that would convince others?
  • How confident are we in our beliefs?
  • What is the difference between a "belief" and a "feeling"?
  • Did you undertake an open minded logical review of your belief systems?
  • Do you base your belief on the best evidence or on strong feelings?
  • Do you think you believe what you do because it just feels right?

Keyword Collection: Gods and Demons

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  • gods and demons are a common cultural element throughout history
  • religion is used by humans to make people follow the rules
  • demons are needed to describe what is bad
  • in all cultures demons are associated with evil
  • gods and demons point out the same higher unknown
  • gods & demons are words to describe something we cannot explain by other words
  • fear of the unknown," where do we come from and where are we going to" made people believing in gods and demons
  • the concept of gods/demons helps to reduce human anxiety in uncertain times
  • gods seem to punish bad behaviour whereas demons seem to cause it
  • the judeo/christian concept of god is that god is good
  • some see GOD as synonym for nature, others see it as a higher intelligent entity
  • good or wrong depends often in what kind of situation you are
  • not all Gods are not only good. The Roman gods were far from perfect, neither were the German or the Hindu Gods - only the Christian God is mostly regarded as the personification of all that's good
  • gods and demons are manipulative instruments – they are (ab)used by the powerful of the earth to keep their power
  • many people like the idea that "good" people are rewarded by a god , that being good in this life is not senseless. and that being bad is punished in hell with the devil.... and that it all has a sense
  • What essential elements of human experience led people to the idea of gods and demons?
  • Do we use the idea of gods and demons to explain things that happen?
  • What makes a devil evil and a god good?

Keyword collection: Soul

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  • often considered to be synonymous with the mind or the self
  • in christian religion the soul is often considered to survive the death of the body
  • soul in religion is the immaterial and imortal part of a human life
  • but thinking you have a soul does not mean there is an immortal soul
  • thinking of a soul is more a feeling than somthing rational, it is a question of belief, a religious question
  • human consciousness is a question of psychology or neurology and is located in our brain and that consciousness is not the same as the soul in a religious sense
  • it seems to be impossible to give a clear and definite definition
  • we cannot proof that we have a soul
  • I do not know how, if and where the soul in the religious meaning exists
  • soul can be seen
    • as a recorder of our lives (= an external hard disk)
    • merely as a metapher for one's inner self, not a physical reality but a psychological symbol
  • we cannot see, smell or touch the soul does not mean, that a soul does not excist

  • What is the soul?
  • Does a soul exist?
  • Why do we believe there is a soul?
  • Is the soul just a poetic synonym for the mind?
  • Is it the cosmic world?
  • Is it a human belief, created by man to comfort his fear of his impermanence?
  • Do animals have a soul? Or only humans?